October 6th -9th 2016
Schloss Schönnbrunn in Wien / Vienna
Ms Campbell's Leaving Certificate German class had the opportunity to go on a School Tour to Vienna in Austria.
The group had a very full and hectic schedule including attending school in our Partner school the Wiedner Gymnasium, doing an organised tour of the UN, a Tour of the famous Ringstrasse with Gerda, a vienese history teacher, visitng Schloss Belvedere to see Klimt and Schiele paintings as well as exploring the the Naschmarkt ,Kärntnerstrasse, St Stephens Cathedral and Mariahilferstrasse. The class also ate Wienerschnitzel in the Zwölfapostellkeller and Apfelstrüdel in Schloss Schönnbrunn. To finish the weekend the whole group attended the Raimund Theater to see the highly acclaimed Schikaneader musical. Congratulations to our CBS boys who were commended on their excellent behaviour on both Aer Lingus flights and our Partner school.
Ms E Campbell with Leaving Certs and Ms C Miniter at The Gloriette in Schloss Schönnbrunn.