He gave a wonderful account of his many adventures and told of his journey as a recovering addict .He shared some of the lows he experienced with the students and more significantly the little steps that gradually led to his recovery and his amazing adventures that followed. His presentation was truly inspirational and the students were genuinely impressed, they all got some nugget of advice to take with them and they gave him a great round of applause at the end.
The school is thankful to Gavan for sharing his story and helping to inspire the boys to believe in their own ability. We are particularly grateful to Mr John Burke and his charity Elevate for sponsoring the visit. Elevate are also providing the Meditation sessions that the first year classes are being provided with over six weeks in January and February. These programmes in addition to the various programmes the school is already providing are helping to ensure that our students mental as well as physical wellbeing is being attended to.
To find out more about Gavin, you can visit his website by clicking here and to view Elevate facebook page here