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Sunday, 03 November 2019 15:54

TY's dig the Crocus Project!

As part of Horticulture, TY Students planted yellow crocus bulbs as part of the Crocus Project.

This links in with History, Geography, CSPE and SPHE across the curriculum. We are now part of a project that over 100,000 from all across Europe are involved in. We're looking forward to seeing them pop up in spring.

Click here for more information


From the website:

Welcome to The Crocus Project!


The Crocus Project is an Irish initiative whereby HETI provides yellow Crocus bulbs for young people and school pupils aged 11 years and older to plant in memory of the 1.5 million Jewish children who perished in the Holocaust and thousands of other children who were victims of Nazi atrocities. The yellow flowers recall the yellow Stars of David that Jews were forced to wear under Nazi rule. The Crocus blooms around the end of January, about the time of international Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January). When people admire the flowers, the pupils explain what they represent and recall the children who perished in the Holocaust.


Participation in The Crocus Project is free!


Participating in The Crocus Project is a tangible way to introduce young people to the subject of the Holocaust and to raise awareness about the dangers of racism and discrimination. The children’s involvement in learning about the Holocaust, planting the bulbs and watching the flowers grow, encourages learning about tolerance and respect. HETI provides a comprehensive Information and Guidelines pack to assist teachers in educating about the Holocaust.


The Crocus Project is an Irish initiative that has grown since its inception in 2005 when 6,000 Irish pupils participating to more than 100,000 young people from Ireland and ten European countries in 2018.  We hope increasing numbers of countries will join The Crocus Project each year until the whole of Europe participates in it and more than 1.5 million crocuses will bloom.

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